Summer Boudoir Outdoors | Wausau, Wisconsin

I love when warm weather comes to Wisconsin. Not only does it mean hikes at Rib Mountain, grilling out, and time spent in the water, it means we’re taking boudoir outdoors!

Boudoir is a beautiful and powerful thing to do for yourself. It’s got something a little extra special when we photograph you in nature!

So why an outdoor boudoir session?

Maybe you want something unique.

Maybe you’ve already have a boudoir session and want to do something different the second or third time.

Maybe you (or who you are gifting the photos to) are outdoorsy people.

Maybe you want to connect to your feminine energy.

Worried about being in the wide open for you session? Don’t worry I have lots of ways we make this happen!

First I have access to private land if you want to put your mind at ease it’s just us. I also know many secluded and beautiful areas I use for these sessions. Many times if we are using a public area, even if it is secluded, you are still covered in the same thing a bathing suit covers. I also bring my outdoor changing tent so you can comfortably switch between outfits. Boudoir is always a little about stepping outside of your comfort zone, but my priority is still to make sure you feel safe, supported, confident, and ready.

We can do a full session outdoors OR you can add on a second location and have the best of both the studio and nature!

We can make an outdoor boudoir session happen in any season, but there is no doubt that warm summer temps and a cool breeze on your skin is one of the best feelings!

Reach out and find out about scheduling your outdoor boudoir session this summer! LET’S CHAT!


Whether you are local in Wausau and Rib Mountain, Green bay or coming from Milwaukee or Madison, anywhere in between or further away, I am here for your summer boudoir photos! Reach out and let’s chat about creating a beautiful summer boudoir session for you.


Enagement & Couples sessions in the water | Wausau, Wisconsin


What are the Specialty Boudoir Sets ?