Kelly Jacobi Photography

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Anniversary photos with J & D | Wisconsin Photographer

Wausau Wisconsin Couples & Engagement Photographer

This all started with a dress.

That beautiful red dress she is wearing is from my client closet. (Did you know I have a client closet with beautiful items I give my clients access to for their sessions?? Find out more about it here.)

Anytime I find something beautiful or that I know will photography well I buy it and add it to my client closet for future sessions. When this dress came in I was so excited I couldn’t wait to photograph it. The fall color and this dress would be perfection. I “knew” Danielle from responding to a model call I had put out months earlier. I reached out and told her about this dress and asked if she’d be up for a couple’s session. She said “absolutely!”. We set the time and place - early morning sunrise out on the rocks by the water.

I already wanted this session to be special because they have three kids. When a couple grows their family it is so easy to forget to take time for each other, to just celebrate the two of you. But Danielle told me her and Jon never even had engagement or wedding photos! It became my mission to give them a session that was fun and full of fiery passion!

This session was magic! Their love and playful banter in the early morning sunrise was everything I needed…and I was right, the dress was amazing! As we were finishing up Jon said, I have to admit, that was fun. You keep a photo session interesting!…It is so important to me to show people a new kind of experience when we are together for a session!

When I delivered I knew Danielle was going to love the photos, but her response made me tear up. This is why I do what I do. Not only do I want to show you a photo session doesn’t have to feel like work, but I also want to show you how beautiful you are, how your love radiates, and how important it is to take the time for photos that celebrate this season of your life. She said …

“Oh my goodness!! We had so much fun with you! I am tickled you thought of us! I didn’t have my hopes up to much. I’m six weeks past when I should have colored my hair. I wasn’t able to shave my legs because Jon was giving our dog a bath and our daughter was taking a shower all at the same time and my water was going cold. I would have normally gone and had a spray tan. Not to mention I’m not a morning person 😂 I figured the best I could do was throw on a pair of spanx and say a prayer. Like I mentioned, I’ve gained weight, I’m exhausted being a “single parent” all week while Jon is gone. I haven’t felt very pretty in a long time. I opened up your email in the middle of target and nearly cried. I’m pretty as I am. All the pasty white skin, hairy legs, discolored hair, 40lbs of me. All at 7:30am in the cold! Not only did you gift us with beautiful pictures but you gave the gift of being able to see myself in a different light at a time I desperately needed it.